Friday, September 18, 2015

PR for the Honduras’ government: A challenging assignment

Last week it was announced that international PR firm & consultant agency Ketchum has started a PR assignment for the government of Honduras. The aim of the assignment is to improve the troubled imago of the Honduras’ governments’ global reputation. Ketchum will focus on the promotion of the country as an attractive investmentpartner partner.

An important detail is that the PR deal comes after a multi-million dollar corruption scandal, which triggered continuing demonstrations against the Honduran government. The protesters are calling for the resignation of the President of Honduras.

Demonstrations against the Honduran government in July this year
What makes the PR assignment even more controversial is the fact that earlier this year Ketchum decided not to renew their contract as the global PR agency of Russia. The PR firm no longer executes PR activities for the Russian government.

Ketchum did not respond to request for comments after the news was launched.

What do you think? Is Ketchum doing the right thing by starting a PR assignment for the government of Honduras? Or can the deal just be seen as a challenging PR assignment? And should Ketchum have responded to the comments concerning the deal?

- By Iris Kromwijk 


  1. Public Relations and ethics is a complicated issue, cases like this may well serve for assignment 2.

  2. The right thing? Well that opens up a whole new debate about ethics in PR. However, the primary focus of Ketchum will be to make sure these corruption scandals are kept within manageable levels. Challenging? Certainly. However, as Ketchum have already undertaken assignments from Russia, I see no particular reason why this can't be a successful relationship.

    Andrei Rydzkowski

  3. No, and Ketchum often does not do the right thing. For example:
