Monday, August 24, 2015

Example post

As we understood some of you find it difficult to come up with practical cases related to PR from actuality (good sources are: PR blogs - google them!; newspapers, professional communication media, internships, etc), here is an example:

Yesterday I found the following case on the website of  the Dutch communication professionals magazine Communicatie.

Ryan Air ground personal made a silly joke by drawing a giant penis in the snow, next to the plane they were working on. Of course passengers complained about it at Ryan Air HQ.

The management responded to this potential reputation crisis with the following statement:

'While our ground crew excel at industry leading 25 minute turnarounds, art isn’t their forte, as they’ve clearly forgotten to draw wings on their snow airplane’.

According to communication online, the website I found this on, this was a 'brilliant' response. And in terms of framing and crisis communication, I must agree with them. Do you agree?

Pytrik Schafraad


Hi everyone,

Here's a first message from your lecturers.
This blog page is ment to share cases, opinions, information, strategies, and everything else related tot the topics of the course. So please do not hesitate to post a blog.

In class we share cases from actuality related to Public Relations and the Media at the start of every meeting. If you have shared a case, you are expected to post a summary with links on this blog the very same day. If you brought a case to class, but were not able to share it, please post it as well! You may also share anything else related to the course as well as the final version of your blog assignment (not required).

The participation rules require you to post at least two blogs and four reactions to blogs during the course weeks, but you are welcome to share more.

Rules of engagement
Please do not forget to remain friendly and professional in any discussion on this blog.
Do not share the log in name and pass word with any one not taking the course.

If you post a blog on here, please do the following:

  • Sign with your name in Italics; 
  • Provide a title; 
  • Provide working links to your information sources and topic; 
  •  Blog posts on here, may be quickly written messages, but please do mind your language and take the opportunity to practice creative (not strictly academic) writings, as you will need that in your professional life as a communication professional after your graduation.

 Have fun, best regards,

 Pytrik Schafraad