After the Dutch company
2theloo opened its first toilet doors in the Kalverstaat in Amsterdam
(2011), they grew out to having 200 toilet stores globally.
This summer 2theloo popped up in the city of love Paris, where they took over some of the lavatories. Unfortunately 2theloo didn't show much
love for the lavatories' longstanding staff, whom the French
traditionally refer to as 'dames pipi'.
Twitter users have posted
Tweets about the 'dames pipi' demonstrating.The 'dames pipi' even
brought a civil suit to court, which got referred to a higher judge. According to NOS news they feel like "they have been thrown away like old mopping rags".
A spokesperson of the
company claimed that this isn't just a regular takeover, but “we
are a real game changer”. It really is a game changer as France24
states that 2theloo is ignoring the French (and European) law which governs the
transfer of employment contracts from one contractor to another!
How 2theloo communicates this takeover through
their spokesperson is remarkable:
“We represent a new way of exploiting lavatories. In the negotiations with the local authority of Paris they asked for a new concept”
This statement is clear cut and seems quite honest
to me. They are not beating around the bush about their business vision..but it leaves out the fact that sadly enough 11 'dames pipi' had to stop
working abruptly..
The spokesman's reaction on this
case isn't sufficient for everyone as 2theloo is being asked on the company's
Facebook page what 2theloo is going to do about the situation of the
'dames pipi' and if the ladies will get offered a job at their
company (see below). What do you think the reaction from 2theloo would or should
be? Should they stick to their straightforward business vision only or should they show some compassion for the 'dames pipi' too?
Bye or see you soon?
By the way..If going 2 the loo really
is an extraordinary experience like they claim it to be, I can't
tell. According to their website it should be even better than at
home. Maybe I will check out the concept one of those rainy shopping
days in Amsterdam to rate this game changers' concept.....
Margarita Jansen
Margarita Jansen
I think they should have shown more compassion, especially because the "dames pipi" are so famous and loved in France. As a Dutch company in France 2theloo should have been respectful towards something so traditionally French as the "dames pipi".If they had not needed any employees for the new toilets the public statement might have sufficed but since they are simply replacing them with other employees I think it's not enough.